Thursday, September 8, 2011


Right now, you are to look at your topic of interest and write down how EACH SUBJECT teaches you to learn how to learn about your TOPIC OF INTEREST.

English- I will learn how to communicate with the trainers that teaches me how to be a pilot, like the steps that I have to take in-order to be a successful pilot.

Maths- Maths will help me calculate Eg; the temperature,the distance needed to be taken like from Singapore to Japan, the weight of the plane and the weights in the plane.

Chemistry- Chemistry allow me to know/understand what chemicals are needed in-order for the plane to fly better.

Biology- *can't really think of any*  

Chinese- *can't really think of any*

Business Studies- Allows me to use the business terms to write reports.

Physical Education- Allows me to know some basic exercises to exercise.

Technology- Allows me to use technology to solve problems I encounter.

Art- *can't really think of any*

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